Thursday, March 25, 2010

Suppliers Partner with Best Parks in America

Best Parks in America logoBest Parks in America welcomed four industry powerhouse suppliers to their Strategic Partner Program.

Utility Supply Group, Texas Advertising, Suburban Propane and TengoInternet have joined forces with Best Parks to offer affiliate resorts product/service programs and other partnership benefits designed specifically for the Best Parks network, according to a news release.

“Much like the high standards used for park/resort affiliation, our Strategic Partners have proven themselves to be outstanding in their areas of expertise. We are pleased to partner with these four notable companies and look forward to their contribution to the Best Parks in America brand,” said David Gorin, president and CEO Best Parks in America.

Strategic Partners are nominated by current affiliated parks and companies must have at least a five-year track record of doing business in the park industry. Strategic Partner nominees meeting the nomination criteria have an opportunity to develop an ongoing, mutually supportive relationship and association with Best Parks in America and the affiliated parks. Developed in response to contacts from a number of companies that have reached out to Best Parks inquiring about a relationship with this new park brand, the Strategic Partner Program provides unique possibilities for all parties involved.

For more information on becoming a Strategic Partner or to learn more about Best Parks in America affiliation visit or contact Gorin by phone at (703) 448-6863 or e-mail at

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