Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thank You For a Great 2011/2012 Season

Hi Ya’ll,
WOW! It’s  April!!!!! Most of our snowbirds have flown North for the summer, although this year some have chosen to stay on a little longer to insure warm days  in their hometowns. We have had an exceptional winter here in Florida, the days have been warm, the nights a little cooler and very little humidity or rain, so all in all made for a bunch of happy campers..pun intended…lol

We want to thank everyone who graced us with their presence this past season and are looking forward to seeing many of you back again next “snowbird” season. For those of you going on to other parts of the country, we wish you a safe journey.

Our season was so jam packed with activities, from entertainers like Elvis aka Billy Lyndsey , Gary Mueller, Arvel Bird  and Steve Jeffris to the Muttville Dog comedy show with Johnny Peers and his highly trained rescue dogs and the delightful magic show of Dick Johnson. They were all excellent shows and enjoyed by all who came and some will be returning next season.  Debbie Myers will return for a show next year as well…

We had several great pot lucks, wine and cheese , birthday bashes and other eating events so now the theme for our park is “the place to be for foods and tea” Long Island  tea that is LOL..If you want to stay thin or lose weight , the best way is to do the water aerobics, walk  or bicycle.

It seems like only a week or so ago we were waiting for the big flock of snowbirds and it’s a little sad to think of the remainder leaving as well but we are thankful  and looking forward to our next great *season in the sun* where the place to be is Suncoast RV…

Enjoy your summer!! See you in the fall….

Thanks again

Owners , Managers & Staff
Of Suncoast RV Resort

1 comment:

  1. Hello Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I am back in Canada, and back living on the houseboat ... :)

    I also wanted to let you know that I really really enjoyed my stay at Suncoast, and am looking forward to next year... :)

    For anyone considering stopping in at Suncoast, I would highly recommend booking a stop at Suncoast as Carolyn & Craig and all their staff are simply amazing and they all really make Suncoast shine...

    Their warm friendly attitude makes it a pleasure to be away from home and friends.

    Zoey and I are looking forward to partaking in more pot luck dinners, and especially all those bingo nights... lolllll

    See you all soon, IAN & Zoey
    Montreal, Canada
